
Is live. There are

still glitches – let me know especially if you’re having any troubles

with the RSS

feed. And won’t point there for a couple of days at least.

But check it out, and let me know what you think – either here or in the

comments there. Thanks!

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7 Responses to Economonitor

  1. mike d says:

    wow – that wasn’t a whole lot of lead time. Is this the super-sectret project you’ve been going to St. Louis for? Is that where Roubini’s off-site colocation is?

    Just glancing through – the retirement graph you pulled from Tyler Cohen doesn’t show up in my RSS reader.

  2. Felix says:

    No, this has nothing to do with St Louis, which was another project entirely. I’ll look into the images-in-rss thing, for sure.

    Yeah, it was quick, but no one at RGE was very happy with me blogging and no one being able to read me, so we just went live after a couple of days. Nothing like jumping in at the deep end!

  3. geoff says:

    damn felix… it looks like they are certainly keeping you busy.

  4. Stefan says:

    ohboyohboy this looks like fun. Design-wise, though, the blog is waaaay to wide on a Mac+Firefox. And the RSS feed isn’t advertised properly in the header because it isn’t picked up by a host of automatic feed-sensors like the one in Safari or the Google Toolbar (which I use). (I’m used to clicking on a button if I like the blog so that the feed gets added to my newsreader in the background.)

    Economonitor? How about the Economator? the Econosmith? EcceHomonitor? UmbertoEcomonitor?

  5. Stefan says:

    Good to see they’re using the Turing test for comments. But why not add some ads between posts?

    BTW I think you’ve got perfect pitch for this particular blog — this should do really well.

  6. mike d says: points there now, btw… and LatinFinance is one word, InterCapitalized.

  7. Felix says:

    The Firefox thing is a known issue. As for Latin Finance, it’s two words, no matter what the magazine tries to decree. Just like Yahoo is Yahoo and not Yahoo!.

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