How Much Can Fannie and Freddie Help the Mortgage Market?

Yesterday I took

aim at OFHEO, and I stand by what I wrote: the capital constraints on Fannie

and Freddie are counterproductive and they’re damaging the entire mortgage market.

But it is also true that the capital that OFHEO requires Fannie and Freddie

to hold, although it’s 30% greater than the law requires, is still very small

by banking-industry standards. Writes

Peter Eavis:

Freddie Mac had $25.8 billion in capital at the end of the third quarter,

which is equivalent to just 3.2% of assets. Fannie Mae’s $40 billion of capital

as of Sept. 30 is equivalent to 4.8% of its assets. Compare that with 8.8%

for Bank of America, which has more than $270 billion of residential mortgages

on its books.

And Floyd Norris makes another good point: that when they do have

their druthers, Fannie and Freddie have proven themselves utterly dreadful when

it comes to the sensible use of capital. He


Since early last year, Freddie spent $3 billion to repurchase almost 49 million

shares, at an average price of around $61.50.

Those shares are now worth about $26 apiece. What a waste of precious capital.

Fannie and Freddie, between them, have about $65 billion in capital, and have

a combined market capitalization of about $44 billion. Both of them are now

trading at a significant discount to their book value. They’re weak, and they

have a much diminished ability to help turn the gargantuan US mortgage market

around. What’s more, any attempt on their part to do so increases the risk that

they’ll be forced to ask for some kind of federal bail-out.

I do still think that Fannie and Freddie are big enough to be part of the solution,

but I also appreciate that the best-case scenario is now that they will only

be a small part. Of course, as Herb

Greenberg says, they might be damaged mainly because they’re taking mark-to-market

writedowns that, so far, big banks have avoided taking. Fannie and Freddie certainly

look bad, but there might well be worse to come elsewhere.

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