Magazine notes

New Yorker fact-checkers, where are you? In the big lead story

in this week’s issue, Jon Lee Anderson’s profile of Venezuelan president

Hugo Chavez, we find this:

World Bank or International Monetary Fund austerity

packages in return for debt renegotiation are central to neoliberal


I really don’t have the inclination right now to go into the multitude

of ways in which this is incorrect. But anybody with any knowledge

of the subject would have told any fact-checker that there’s no way

that sentence should ever appear in a news magazine.

Vanity Fair runs its annual boring listing of the "50

leaders of the information age" (in fact, there are 64). The

list includes five women (Meg Whitman, Marjorie Scardino, Oprah Winfrey,

Martha Stewart, and Paramount’s Sherry Lansing) and three non-whites

(Oprah Winfrey, Jerry Yang, and Sony’s Nobuyuki Idei). Everyone else

is a middle-aged white guy. At least we don’t need to see another

of Annie Liebowitz’s equally boring photos of them all lined up at

Sun Valley.

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One Response to Magazine notes

  1. elena says:

    congratulations for those who are in the list for the leaders of the information age. the only person i know is oprah winfrey. I might as well try to search other names too. lol. elena from mixeur batteur 

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